Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What Are You People Thinking?

I'm cruising checking out the models. Hey, I like to look at beautiful, sexy women. I added this model to my friends just for laughs. I think she's nice looking but that's about it. Miss Priss. Now scroll down to "About Me" section and there is an Amazon wish list. It's a list of things Miss Priss wants people to buy for her. She wants her fans to go to Amazon and buy her presents. I'm not hating on her. If she gets fans to buy her stuff then more power to her. I however didn't actually think people would buy things for her. Some of the things she wants are not cheap. She actually has LCD TVs listed. Big expensive TVs.

I thought nothing more of it until today. That's when I saw her blog titled "This is why I love myspace friends..." Evidently fans bought her stuff for her birthday. I didn't see any of the expensive items. Then again I don't know how much the shoes she got go for. Here's what I don't understand. Why would any joe shmoe average myspace user buy her gifts? It makes absolutely no sense. Are they hoping to meet, date or sleep with her? I don't think she's going to track any of these fans down and personally thank them. Why would you buy a complete stranger gifts? She's a complete stranger. Sure she posts items about herself but do we really know anything about her? I'm positive she's a model and a good looking one at that. But we just don't know if all the stuff she writes about herself in her myspace is true. She may be the sweetest person in the world but we just don't know.

I'd actually be scared of any stranger that bought me gifts. The internet is full of weirdos and psychos. I'm going to take a wild guess about fans sending gifts. They aren't normal. They probably don' t have both oars in the water. Something just doesn't click in my mind about this. I imagine a nerdy introvert sitting in front of a computer thinking,"If I send her these things she'll like me." It isn't going to happen freak. She, on the other hand, has nothing to lose. She's not posting personal or contact information where she can be tracked down. She gets some free loot and thinks nothing more of it. It's a nice racket on her part.

I'll keep her on my friend list cause she posts funny shit but I'm not sending her shit.

The other night on Comedy Central's The Root of All Evil the topic was myspace friends. The argument of one debater was that myspace friends demeans the definition of "friend." He argued that they really aren't friends. Can you call them up in the middle of the night? Will they come and bail you out of jail? Will they come pick you up from the airport? Sure Tila Tequila will counsel you through your break up.

In light of this argument, I decided to take inventory of my friends list on myspace.
  • Real living friends - 4, old high school buddies
  • Guitars - 1
  • Cartoon characters - 8
  • Figments of someone's imagination - 6 (Phil Hendrie characters), 1 (Borat)
  • Actual people that I know only through myspace and not in person - 3
  • Actress/model (non porn category) - 7
  • Porn stars - 3
  • Schools - 2
  • Musicians/bands - 3
  • Business - 1
  • Comedian - 1
  • Newspaper columnist - 1
I'm sure I left something or someone off. I was just interested to see how my friends broke down after watching the Comedy Central show.

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