Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Transgender Children

The age to vote is 18.

The age to legally partake of tobacco products is 18.

The age to enlist in the military is 18.

The age to sign a legally binding contract is 18.

The age to legally drink is 21.

The age to legally consent to sex in Texas is 17.

The premise to the legal age of majority or consent is that at the legal age a person has the mental capacity to make a decision. While in reality and truth there are those under 18 that can make better decisions than those older. However the law makes a distinction to protect the vast majority who can't and also the enforce parental control.

So for whatever reason the liberal left wants to make an exception for transgender children.

Until the age of 18, a child shouldn't have a right to make such a life altering decision. A responsible parent should guide and inform a gender question child but shouldn't allow the child to make a final decision. It's a highly personal decision and the parents shouldn't let a child make the decision until an age of majority is reached.

Doctors who assist or inject life changing hormones into a child are in an ethical black area. It's not ethical for a doctor to assist in undermining a future adult's ability to choose. By the time the child is an adult and free to make a choice, the damage is already done.

I'm all for freedom of choice. I'm all for individual rights and keeping government out of personal decisions. I'm even against the argument that "it's for the children."

In fact I want to preserve freedom of choice by making a child wait until the age of consent to make the choice to transition to the opposite sex. Let the adult who's future lies ahead make the decision. Take the choice away from the parents and the unethical doctors.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Pay Gap?

There is back and forth on both sides about women earn less than men.

I can only speak from personal experience in the jobs I've had over the last twenty plus years. It's not true. In every position I've been in, women have been paid equal to or more than I have. Equal when we have the same experience or less. I've seen women start at the same level as me and broken barriers for workers, men and women, in how high they rise in the corporation.

It used to be accepted that when you started off in the position I hired into, you could expect to not rise more than one level into management. That barrier was broken...by a woman. As for pay, we all started at the same rate and progressed through the same pay scale. Once we hit management levels, we are pitted against each other for ranking and rating. Highest rank, which has been a woman, gets the biggest raise and so on down the line. Highest rated gets largest raise while lowest rated hopes to keep a job. It's vicious and it's hard but it is also fair.Women and men get scrutinized through the same lens.

Sex, race, sexual orientation, nationality or any other identity you want to insert has no bearing. If you are in place where such things matter then either you need to fight the system and prove why you are worth others are or move onto a place that treats everyone as equals and better than your current situation.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Nighty Night Sleep tight - Random Edition

Vampire Bats Feeding on humans in Brazil. Get that garlic out.

Bikers for Trump in Florida make their way to D.C. for the inauguration.

Bordering on Insecurity from the Texas Tribune: Headless Body Leads to Border Patrol Agent

Is Eagle Ford making a comeback? Higher oil prices leads to an increase of rig counts. (It's behind Houston Chronicle pay wall. Hint:Google entire title and you can read it for free.)

San Antonio Spurs fans are not some of God's brighter creatures. Super Spurs Fan paints butt on nose.

Kids take 31 years ago found, mother arrested. You'd think they are adults by now?

HEB CEO to spend $100 million on training for state educators. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy New Years! 2017 New Year Resolutons

Greetings all. I hope everyone had a great holiday season.

After taking ten days away from the job, I've returned more focused than ever.  I don't just mean focused on my job but on my personal life too.

Without revealing to much, here a just a couple of my new year resolutions:

  • Be more organized at work and home
  • Pay more attention to my wife and her needs
  • Pay more attention to things that need to be done around the house
  • Get the hell out of debt
  • More physical activity and more attention to my health
Those are just a few. I also hope to return to blogging on a regular basis. I flushed the website because once I got married it became to much. But at least I hope to get some blogging time in this year.

Unkle Monkee