Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pakistan Parliament Denounces U.S. bin Laden Strike

The parliament of Pakistan condemned the U.S. strike against Osama bin Laden.

Pakistani politicians are grandstanding against the U.S. due to unrest in their own backyards. The people of Pakistan are upset with U.S. drone strikes and bin Laden raid. Of course the solution for the Pakistani government is to improve security for its people, root out terrorist organizations and encourage economic growth.

Failure to root out terrorists and economic troubles stir the ire of the people. Instead of fixing the problems, the government is doing what all governments that have a tenuous hold on power do. They try and distract from the real issues by inflating an on going problem or create an enemy. In this case, it is the U.S. violating Pakistani sovereignty.

Since 9/11, it is the stated goal of the United States to capture or kill Osama bin Laden. It could have been done with Pakistan's help if Pakistan proved to be a reliable ally in the fight against terrorism. Pakistan instead allows terrorist organizations to operate in the borderlands. There are areas of Pakistan that the government has no control over. In these lands, the terrorists and outlaws run the show.

After the Taliban was driven from power in Afghanistan, they took refuge in Pakistan. Some are even under the protection of elements of the Pakistani Intelligence Services.

The U.S. drone attacks will stop and raids into Pakistan will stop when the Pakistani government gathers the political will to root out the organizations that not only threaten the U.S. but Pakistan itself.

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