Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thoughts and Link Dump

I'm still working the Great Immigration Debate. I'm working on border security ideas and reform. Reform is a necessary step for many reasons but no one will touch it. No matter where a politician stands it is a political third rail.

In the mean time a I a link dump and thoughts I have about the stories linked.

In the story, Lawmaker: Demagogues setting tone of GOP, defeated Republican incumbent Bob Inglis laments the state of politics. He hits on the fact that politicians pander to much to poisonous elements and that the pandering threatens the long term viability of the party. He also mentions that there is to much fearmongering among politcals.

He was defeated in part because he didn't want to engage in Barack Obama bashing. He is correct in siting that the shouting and screaming accomplishes nothing. Instead of governing and solving problems, the issues mount up and elected officials look to make the next sound bite and preen for the cameras.

Voters are frustrated that both parties have seemingly been hijacked by the extremes. There is really no such thing as a conservative Democrat or a moderate Republican. There are still some Blue Dog Dems from the South but they are a dying breed. More and more candidates are voted down by their own party because they aren't "liberal" or "conservative" enough.

Unfortunately politicians want the power and privilege of office. The only way to achieve that is to pander to the wings. The middle of the road voters are put off. One of the reasons Obama was elected is because he wasn't a Bush or Republican. This midterm cycle, Republicans might regain the House of Representatives mainly as backlash against Obama. It's a vicious cycle and appears to worsen each election.

Well, I have more links to comment on but will get that done in the next few days.

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