Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It Was Good By Us But Not By Them

No matter which way you cut it, the War on Terrorism is also a political game.

For those with short memory, under President George W. Bush, the goal was to hunt down and kill or capture terrorists. Bush took on the "you're either for us or against us." A simplistic black and white look at the world. So no one shed any tears when missiles and attack drones started taking out terrorists. Nor when soldiers on the ground killed insurgents and fighters bombed hold outs.

Now that a different administration is in power from a different party, all of a sudden killing terrorist might not be such a good idea. Funny thing is it's the party that's out of power that is making the claim. Some backers of Bush and Republicans are claiming killing terrorists is a bad idea.

They point out that intelligence and information may be gained by capturing and interrogating terrorists.

I concede that point. What I don't concede is the way they cry about it. It was never much of a policy toward the end of the Bush Regime to capture terrorists. The main goal is to get them before they get us. Now that it's President Barack Obama's turn and he's killing terrorists, they change their tune.

The article "U.S. emphasizes targeted killings over captures"gives an idea of what I'm talking about.

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