There is back and forth on both sides about women earn less than men.
I can only speak from personal experience in the jobs I've had over the last twenty plus years. It's not true. In every position I've been in, women have been paid equal to or more than I have. Equal when we have the same experience or less. I've seen women start at the same level as me and broken barriers for workers, men and women, in how high they rise in the corporation.
It used to be accepted that when you started off in the position I hired into, you could expect to not rise more than one level into management. That barrier was a woman. As for pay, we all started at the same rate and progressed through the same pay scale. Once we hit management levels, we are pitted against each other for ranking and rating. Highest rank, which has been a woman, gets the biggest raise and so on down the line. Highest rated gets largest raise while lowest rated hopes to keep a job. It's vicious and it's hard but it is also fair.Women and men get scrutinized through the same lens.
Sex, race, sexual orientation, nationality or any other identity you want to insert has no bearing. If you are in place where such things matter then either you need to fight the system and prove why you are worth others are or move onto a place that treats everyone as equals and better than your current situation.
I can only speak from personal experience in the jobs I've had over the last twenty plus years. It's not true. In every position I've been in, women have been paid equal to or more than I have. Equal when we have the same experience or less. I've seen women start at the same level as me and broken barriers for workers, men and women, in how high they rise in the corporation.
It used to be accepted that when you started off in the position I hired into, you could expect to not rise more than one level into management. That barrier was a woman. As for pay, we all started at the same rate and progressed through the same pay scale. Once we hit management levels, we are pitted against each other for ranking and rating. Highest rank, which has been a woman, gets the biggest raise and so on down the line. Highest rated gets largest raise while lowest rated hopes to keep a job. It's vicious and it's hard but it is also fair.Women and men get scrutinized through the same lens.
Sex, race, sexual orientation, nationality or any other identity you want to insert has no bearing. If you are in place where such things matter then either you need to fight the system and prove why you are worth others are or move onto a place that treats everyone as equals and better than your current situation.